Duncan Hadley
Age: 21
Profession: Arboriculturist (tree surgeon)
Home: Gloucester, MA
Procedures: Rhinoplasty
Doctor: Anna Petropoulos, M.D.

When Duncan was 14 years old, he broke his nose. “My friend and I tied a wagon to the end of a bike, and we were going down a pretty steep hill and going pretty fast. My buddy turned really quickly to the right, but the wagon kept going straight. I went flying off the wagon and landed face-first.” Duncan never went to the doctor to set his broken nose and, over the years, his nose grew more crooked, until he could barely breathe through his left nostril. He decided to see Dr. Anna Petropoulos for a rhinoplasty.

Duncan Hadley before rhinoplasty

“My greatest concerns were mainly the long-term effects—scars or pain afterwards—but I didn’t have too many fears going into the surgery, because I had a lot of confidence in Dr. Petropoulos,” he says. Recovery was quick and virtually painless. “I was surprised at how fast I healed up and recovered from it, and how clean the work was. There were no scars showing,” says Duncan. “My family was shocked at how great it came out, because they had seen me over the years, how I couldn’t breathe and how it grew crooked.” Now Duncan enjoys his daily activities without worrying about getting winded. “I sleep better, too,” he says. “I would just say, in general, that the surgery made me feel better about myself.”

Reposted with permission from New You Magazine: www.newyou.com

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