Beatriz Munoz
Age: 35
Profession: Food Store employee
Home: Fort Worth, TX
Procedures: Laser resurfacing
Doctor: R. Craig Saunders, M.D.

All her life, Beatriz hung her head as she walked and styled her hair in such a way as to hide a large mole that covered her left eye. She went to various doctors who all told her the same thing: it would be too dangerous to remove it.

It wasn’t until she met Dr. R. Craig Saunders that her hope was renewed. “I found Dr. Saunders by pure luck. I was doing a treatment for my knee, and when he saw my face he immediately told me to have a laser treatment and that it would get rid of the mole,” she says.

Beatriz Munoz before laser skin resurfacing

After the very first session, Beatriz noticed a major improvement. The mole had scabbed over and once the scab fell away, the skin beneath it was smoother and whiter. The treatment lasted nearly six months, with the mole getting erased little by little.

“I’m extremely happy with the results,” she says today. “Now, I’m a completely different person. I’m not ashamed anymore to lift up my face and look around.”

Reposted with permission from New You Magazine:

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