Maria Islas
Age: 57
Profession: Medical Assistant, Urodynamics
Home: Dana Point, CA
Procedures: Rectocele (bladder), Uterus enterocele, Vaginal tightening
Doctor: Red Alinsod, MD

Every year, Maria and her kids would travel to Lake Tahoe for their family vacation. “Whenever we did any activities, like hiking, I would leak. It was embarrassing,” she says. “At first I thought everything was normal because I didn’t know any better, until I started working for Dr. Alinsod and I would see patients come in with the same symptoms.”

The cause for Maria’s difficulties had to do with complications arising from early pregnancy, as well as problems during labor. The result was a lack of fine bladder control, which led to uncomfortable moments when she coughed, sneezed or sometimes even just sat down.

Maria’s only fear was the post operation pain and soreness, but after the procedures her only wish was that she would have done them sooner. “Now I am so happy. I feel more confident about myself. I even tell our patients what to expect because I’ve already gone through it. I feel like a new you.”

Reposted with permission from New You Magazine:

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